Instructions on the procedure for coordinating revisions of aircraft manufacturer documentation (No. 11) Instructions for cancellation of the operator's certificate Instructions for ensuring the coordination of actions of the inspectorate staff of the State Aviation Administration under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic in the process of certification of air transport operators and the implementation of Instructions on the certification of crew members, inspectors and other civil aviation personnel (13). nstructions for the issuance of performance specifications (LVO) Instructions for the approval of aircraft for flights with reduced vertical separation (RVSM) of air transport operators of the Kyrgyz Republic (No. 15) Instructions for the admission of air transport operators of the Kyrgyz Republic to perform flights using performance-based navigation (PBN) Instructions on the procedures for certification and supervision of the activities of Air Transport Operators of the Kyrgyz Republic in terms of admission to instrument approaches (type B) according to CAT II, III. (No. 17) Instructions for using EFB electronic tablets (No. 18). Instructions for evaluating entries in flight documentation Instructions for the evaluation of the methodology for determining operating minima for takeoff and landing of aircraft Instructions for conducting route and ramp checks Instructions for conducting an examination of an aircraft lease agreement (No. 23) Instructions for conducting ramp checks of foreign aircraft at airfields of the Kyrgyz Republic Instructions for aircraft anti-icing protection(26). Instructions for demonstration and evacuation procedures (No. 27). Instructions on the procedures for certification and supervision of the activities of aircraft operators of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of quality management system Minimum Equipment List (MEL)/Configuration Deviation List (CDL) Approval Instructions (No. 29) Instructions for filling out control cards for certification procedures and supervision of aircraft operators (No. 30). Control cards. Flight Procedure Design Guide Standard methodology for determining operating minima for aerodromes/wind fields and helicopter take-off and landing sites Standard methodology for determining aerodrome operating minima for takeoff and landing of aircraft Instructions for issuing operational specifications Guidelines for issuing an Air Operator Certificate Guide to Air Operator Certificate Renewal Procedures Guide to ongoing supervision procedures Instructions for the approval of operators and aircraft for flights in MNPS airspace (No. 6). Instructions for the admission of operators of the Kyrgyz Republic to the production of flights of aircraft with gas turbine engines to an alternate aerodrome on a route with an extended diversion time to an alternate aerodrome (EDTO), control and supervi Inspection Personnel Training Program Standard Quality Manual for Air Transport Operators of the Kyrgyz Republic Instructions for assessing meteorological support for flights of air transport operators of the Kyrgyz Republic (No. 40). Instructions on the standards of working hours and rest time of crew members (No. 36) Regulations on the commission for the extension of the aircraft operator certificate. On approval of the Checklist for the assessment of the Quality Manual provided by the air transport operator/legal entity for approval by the Civil Aviation Authority Instructions for approval of the flight operations manual for air transport operators of the Kyrgyz Republic (No. 9) nstructions for organizing the operational flight management system of an air transport operator (ETO) and organizing the work of flight dispatchers Instructions for certification and supervision of the activities of the air transport operator of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of flight safety management system (No. 38) Instructions for the organization of flight and methodological work of air transport operators of the Kyrgyz Republic (No. 19) Instructions for granting exemptions/deviations from the implementation of the established requirements of the Aviation Rules of the Kyrgyz Republic (No. 47) Instructions for the approval of appointed cabin crew examiners and the supervision of their activities (No. 35). Instructions for Approval of Cabin Crew Manual (No. 32) Инструкция по утверждению Программы подготовки кабинного экипажа(№33) Safety instructions for passengers (No. 34)