On November 25, 2024, within the framework of the "Program of the Third Phase to improve regional communication routes in Central Asia (PURPS CA-3), funded by the World Bank, with the participation of the World Bank Project Implementation Group of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic, a part of the equipment for conducting investigations of aviation accidents and certification of airfields.
Within the framework of this project, electronic equipment for audio, video, photo recording and data storage, tools for measuring and researching sites, parts and fragments of objects of an aviation event, personal protective equipment against chemical, physical and other effects on the investigator's body, software for detecting and analyzing obstacles in the area of airfields were supplied.
The main objectives of the purchase of equipment is to increase the capabilities and potential of the State Agency for Civil Aviation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic in conducting investigations of aviation events, as well as in conducting aviation research.